Friday, January 20, 2017

Authentic Remedies as per shlokas in Ancient Vaastu Text

Mostly it is said that there are no remedies written in the ancient text of vaastu shastra. But if we read carefully we find that our seers have written that remedies in the form of furnitures and other material things which are used in daily life.
for ex:- 
Shayaa ( bed) :- To maintain good relation between husband and wife , the bed on which both the wife and husband sleeps has to be made of auspicious wood with ayaadi purified dimensions , which are harmonious with the nakshatra of both husband and wife.
Dinning table :- In modern days dinning table is used for eating food altogether. If the dinning table is made of the auspicious material with proper purified ayaadi sutra dimensions, this will give positive results in the relations of family members with each other.
Study table :- If child is using studytable for studying , make it with purified ayaadi dimension and experience the execellent performance of your child.

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